
Old Douglas fir plantation from 1941 progressively converted into uneven-aged stand.

This stand is located in the Eastern part of the Ardenne closed to Vielsalm (50.313N, 5.98E) and is part of the IRRES network installed to study the conversion of even-aged stands into uneven-aged ones. Douglas fir regeneration was already well-established at the installation of the plot. Nevertheless, the regeneration was much more developed in the Western part of the plot due to the opening of a gap. Harvesting pathways were already created and irregularization already started.

Main stand characteristics in 2018:

  • Density: 176 trees/ha
  • Basal area: 43.4 m²/ha
  • Mean girth: 176 cm
  • Dominant height: 39.2 m

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